A Weekly Music Class with Benefits of Home Music Play - Are You a Member?

Hi Members,

Did you realise that we have a member area full of spotify playlists and our class music, musical stories and the song books/lyrics just waiting for you to discover and use at home.

Witnessing how your child interacts at home to our music can be quite different to how they are in class. It also gives your child the chance to recall and try again the activities they may have tried for the first time in class eg jumping and saying yippee, tapping on balls and singing tap, popping bubbles and saying bubble or pop.

"It makes me smile when I see my little one doing the activities at home that she has learnt during the classes. She also loves the CD which brings lots of clapping and excitement. Thanks BLMF - very highly recommended."

There's more benefits than confidence to using our music at home and repeating the concepts. Research conducted by the University of Queensland conducted in over 3000 homes found that unstructured music play at home is more beneficial to our children in the first 3 years of life than reading every day in the areas of literacy and speech development.

"Findings drawn from data from over 3100 parents indicate that shared music-making at the age of 2–3 years correlates positively with increased school readiness, pro-social skills, and literacy and numeracy outcomes at age 4–5.

How good is it to know exactly what you can do as a parent to ensure a great start to school when the time comes....and it's easier than you think.

“Music making in the family is more than just learning music, it’s about bonding… In this way, musical parenting is about using music as a tool to foster stronger family relationships.” – Professor Margaret Barrett

It has always been our belief that attending the Baby Love Music Fun program weekly teaches parents how to do this successfully at home and that music becomes a way of life for the family.

So much of what we teach is based on the value of singing what we do. Singing is our very first instrument and the way we sing teaches us important and valuable communication techniques, especially if you are taught to make up your own songs and are confident enough to play around with your voice and your own words. This is one of Baby Love Music Fun's specialities..


“Families were co-researchers, collecting song and music-making on video. Those video diaries gave a real insight into how children between 18 months and four years of age use song as part of their identity work, as part of their way of describing their world, as a means of comfort and solace – invented song is linked to all these powerful things.”

Please join us in class as often as you can and join us online at home anytime.

See you in class again soon
