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Announcing A New Name and New Rewards for our On Demand Classes: BLMF Now!

$60/Month for Massive Subscriber Benefits. Just $2 day to watch your child grow a bigger, better, brain using our music and brain boosting activities!

How Our Music Class Grows Bigger, Better, Brains

The vision for our on demand classes is to provide you the subscriber access at anytime to full music classes from all courses of our world-leading music, milestone and neural development program for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Anytime, anywhere! No matter where you are in the world - you can access our content.

Baby Love Music Fun Now is an easy fun way to spend a quality 30-40 minutes a day playing time with your child. Use our music and activities daily to provide multiple sensory learning inputs like voice, touch, movement and stimulate the over 1 million neural connections in your child's brain every second. (actual confirmed science of brain development during first 3 years of life.)

If you're looking to use music to unlock your child's brain development look no further. This Program works, proven over over 14 years of running the program and activities and seeing the results of our alumni in areas of academic, music and sporting achievements.

Your child's starting age (3 month to 6y/o) or level of musicality are simply a baseline against what you can compare the astounding results. You can start today and begin using out tutorialled music Program on BLMF NOW to develop your child's milestone and brain development. Use it daily! Use it when your child turns to you and says let's do a BLMF class mummy! You can't overdose on improving your brain. Use up to 7 courses for baby to preschooler.

What's included in my subscription?

The Premium monthly subscription provides $600 of value for just $60/month. Premium unlocks the whole suite of tools from Baby Love Music Fun which provides you with an extensive framework and supporting video's and parent focused tutorials. A plethora of fun ways to engage daily in music play with your child whilst striving to achieve known development milestones in multiple ways.

What's the Content?

There is plenty of content. Enough to progress your child from 3 months to starting school as an exceptional young person. You have options to choose from including classes and live streams classes from the program, for baby through to preschooler as well as concerts -Christmas and Easter (enjoyable all year round). Best of all, the content is constantly being added to so the on demand library is extensive enough to cover all of your kids!

As of April 2020, we have begun filming and producing our internationally renowned program for this new format. We have a new weekly production schedule of producing 7 new classes - 1 from each course baby to preschooler each week for inclusion on our subscriber channel.

The wiring of the young child's brain benefits from repetition. Access to these videos provides an effortless way to ensure maximum benefit from daily repetition.

So you want me to watch a screen with my child?

Baby Courses Response

No...we want YOU to watch the class while playing with your baby. It's up to you how you set up your screen to watch...try some different options. Some parents have reported even listening to the video on the phone, placing the screen next to them on the floor so baby can only hear the music and not see the screen. Another idea is to watch the video to get the ideas and then go to the Member Music Area to stream the class music and do all the singing yourself.

If you are physically and vocally engaging with your child...the screen has some benefits. We even use neuroscience to

Toddler/Preschooler Courses Response

Well...yes but we definitely don't want to you both to just sit and watch - this is NO PASSIVE SIT AND WATCH SHOW.

Music learning can take time to develop. All the best things in life take more than just a few lessons to appreciate. BLMF Now offers the best tool for working with your child at at exact right time, rather than locked in to a weekly lesson. Never before has there been such an easy way to develop your child's enthusiasm and focus for learning with music and the outcome is excellent brain wiring for your child for life.

Before each activity you will learn:

1. About the music and why it was chosen - we use a huge variety of music styles from classical, opera, jazz, music theatre, new children's music, pop, rap and world music genres...if it's good music we use it!

2. How to interact What key actions or words we want you to try with your child that make it fun and beneficial

3. The benefits Understand the benefits behind each activity and learn how to be your child's BEST teacher

Make the Most of All Your Inclusions

Here's my recommended monthly schedule for getting the most out of your subscription and increasing your child's music engagement and bran development - it's not alot of time required - just a little singing, music and fun each week which you will both love.

Daily Practice

1. Do a BLMF Now music class together daily, repeating the same class each day of the week is highly recommended or let your child choose the class, using all the props and instruments

Time: 30-40 Minutes

Cost: Unlimited views included - RRP $15/class

Value: up to $450

Spend some quality time 'doing' our class together and during the 30-40 minutes of high quality interaction try to participate in the class with your child in particular by using your voice and movements to encourage interactivity in your child. Trying some activities together like singing or moving to music is not going to be hard for you or your will both really enjoy it.


2. Play our music playlists for your child during their own playtime putting out instruments, books, toys from class to observe if your child makes own connections in play

Time: unlimited access to our music playlists including curated Spotify playlists

Cost: Subscribers Only

Value: Exclusive Content Hundreds of Hours of curated and varied quality music, $50

Provide quality music listening by streaming our music playlists of our class music at appropriate times including classical and opera selections for your child to increase musical appreciation and enhanced emotional intelligence. Watch your child's developing enthusiasm and appreciation for music grow. Listening to our high quality and fun music choices is great for encouraging creativity in your child during their own playtime by putting out instruments, books, toys from class to observe if your child makes own connections in play to their daily music with you.

Weekly Practice

Take advantage of booking in 2 free live stream classes for your child to engage in some increased group musical participation and interaction with your teacher. We offer daily live stream classes it's easy to book in. Subscribers will receive a coupon to book 2 free classes at anytime during the month via email.

Time: 40 Minutes

Cost: 2 x 40 Minute Classes Included/Month ($40/RRP)

Value: fun, social, get variety and new ideas..enjoy connecting with your teacher and classmates. Music is a social experience and enjoyed more in groups.

Monthly Practice

Book your FREE one on one personal 30 minute music and milestone zoom session catering to your child's personal specific needs and wants. get personal advice and tips on increasing your child's engagement.

Time: 30 Minutes

Cost: 1 Included/Month for the first 3 months of your subscription

RRP: $40/child

Value: $40


Research has confirmed that the brain of a musically trained child is positively changed for life after receiving just 2 years of interactive/high quality music education practice. We're excited to share with parents the neuroscience findings that are most exciting in this new series of Parent Enrichment Sessions. Join, Founder Melanie Maslin for these interesting parent enrichment sessions once a month to hear the latest in neuromusical findings that we are embedding into our teaching and program.

Time: 30 Minutes (2 scheduled/month)

Cost: Subscribers Only

Value: Exclusive Content.


Refer 5 Friends a Month and receive $10/month/referral ongoing direct credit back.

Cost: Subscribers Only

Value: Exclusive Offer.


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